all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 8AA 10 0 53.393719 -2.258276
M22 8AB 16 0 53.393805 -2.260156
M22 8AD 8 0 53.394119 -2.260669
M22 8AE 11 0 53.396296 -2.25954
M22 8AG 10 0 53.396088 -2.264291
M22 8AJ 8 0 53.395738 -2.264063
M22 8AL 6 0 53.397086 -2.264071
M22 8AN 24 0 53.396209 -2.262412
M22 8AP 8 0 53.396386 -2.263721
M22 8AQ 6 0 53.395262 -2.26415
M22 8AR 10 0 53.395888 -2.265282
M22 8AS 13 0 53.396816 -2.26428
M22 8AT 16 0 53.396692 -2.263527
M22 8AU 22 0 53.396941 -2.264792
M22 8AW 24 0 53.396379 -2.262909
M22 8AY 7 0 53.396562 -2.265497
M22 8AZ 20 0 53.395967 -2.266155
M22 8BA 10 0 53.394973 -2.264464
M22 8BB 22 0 53.395303 -2.265624
M22 8BE 20 0 53.394844 -2.266163